
TTD To Issue SSD Tokens Only Till 26th June

Tirumala, 16 Jun. 20: The Time Slot Sarva Darshanam tokens will be issued by TTD in SSD counters in Tirupati till the prescribed quota of SSD exhausts till June 26.

TTD has appealed to devotees to come to Tirumala only if they have darshan tokens in view of the present prevailing restrictions of Corona COVID 19 Virus.

In spite of repeated appeals by TTD, the devotees from far away places are coming to Tirupati and staying back for four or five days to procure the tokens. 

In view of this, TTD has taken a decision to issue the tickets only till June 26 and a decision will be taken only after a review meeting by TTD authorities on when to issue the SSD tokens from June 27 onwards.

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