
10th Edition of Sundarakanda Akhanda Parayanam on 21st Feb

Tirumala, 20 Feb. 21: As part of spiritual campaign against pandemic Covid Virus, TTD is organising the 10th edition of Sundarakanda Akhanda Parayanam at Nada Neeranjanam platform in Tirumala on February 21.


As many as 200 Vedic pundits including those from Dharmagiri Veda Vijnana Peetham, SV Vedic University, National Sanskrit university and TTD Veda Parayanadars will recite 188 shlokas from 39 to 44 Sargas of Sundarakanda on Sunday between 7am and 9am.


The SVBC channel will live telecast the parayanam for benefit of global devotees.

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