
NRI Devotees Feel the Thrill of Divine Wedding

The series of Srinivasa Kalyanams organized by TTD along with APNRT at nine different cities in the United States of America were concluded on a grand religious note on Monday wee hours as per IST at Birmingham.


The celestial weddings were held from June 18 to July 10 in nine cities across the USA which included Sanfrancisco(June 18), Seattle(June 19), Dallas(June 25), St Louis(June 26), Chicago(June 30), New Orleans(July 2), Washington DC(July 3), Atlanta(July 9), Birmingham(July 10) with utmost spiritual fervour and gathered humongous response from the denizens of the respective places.


TTD Chairman Sri YV Subba Reddy participated in a few Srinivasa Kalyanams where in the divine marriage were held to the utsava deities of Sri Srinivasa, Sridevi and Bhudevi which was cherished by the devotees with utmost devotion and enthusiasm. 

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